The absolute horror: A world without threads

The absolute horror: A world without threads

Reading time: 5 minutes

Today we have a real horror story for you. So you'd better get your blanket and switch on the light before we go any further. Ready? Then go ahead. 

Imagine if, from one day to the next, there were no more threads. Really none at all. What would our world look like then? Our (steep) thesis: Without taps, our entire civilization would collapse. Admittedly, that sounds very dramatic. And it's commendable if you are skeptical and don't believe everything that every thread cutting tool manufacturer on the Internet wants to tell you. That's why we want to back up our thesis with a few examples. Let's see what you have to say! 

Even small things in everyday life don't work without threads

What was your first thought when you heard about a thread-free world? As an experienced craftsman, screws and nuts are probably the closest thing you think of when you think of threads. And you're already on the right track. Because even if only the fastening threads disappear, we have a serious problem. How many screws are there in your home alone? You can count them. We suspect quite a few. And everything that is held together by these screws now disintegrates into a pile of individual parts in our scenario. Starting with all your furniture, perhaps apart from the far too expensive designer coffee table that was made from a single piece of wood. But the couch itself, the wall shelf, tables, chairs, bed, closet, the Ikea kitchen? All just a pile of boards. Not to mention your car and - shock horror - your smartphone with its tiny screws. Well, at least you can finally replace the battery. 

But screws aren't the only problem. Many of your drinks bottles and storage jars can only be reliably closed with threads. And you can no longer adjust the Rolex either. Taps are important for solving the big and small luxury problems in our lives.

A networked world - unimaginable without threads! 

Let's go one step further and take a look at the globalized world we live in. It is driven by the reliable and fast transportation of people and goods over long distances. And in this area, nothing really works without threads. 

Of course, here too we have the problem of missing screws. That alone is probably enough. Without wheel bolts, every truck ends up in a ditch immediately, container ships disintegrate into their individual parts, trains derail. And then there are the other types of threads! Even if an airplane can stay in the air, it can no longer be steered without a trapezoidal threaded rod and crashes to the ground. Without threads, global traffic would grind to a halt in no time at all. And, as described above, we would no longer be able to communicate by telephone. Once the entire infrastructure has collapsed, we may be able to switch back to horses - although even then it will be critical in difficult terrain because the riding cleats on the horseshoe can no longer be properly attached. So on foot after all. And instead of messages via Instagram, we'll be writing letters again in future. Written in pencil, because fountain pens and ballpoint pens without a thread are no longer usable. You see, there's just no end to it!

Modern life as we know it is impossible without threads 

But slowing down is supposed to be good for you, so maybe a world without threads isn't so bad after all? Then we'll just go back to living like our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. They managed quite well without threads, didn't they? 

Well, not quite. For a life without threads, we would have to travel quite far back in time. Threads already existed in ancient times - but mostly in the form of motion screws. But they were needed, for example, to operate wine presses using screw spindles. And do you really want to travel back to a time when wine was still pressed by stamping with bare feet? 

The fact is, since industrialization at the latest, nothing works without a thread. And slowing down is only relaxing if you decide to do so voluntarily. In any case, we would not want to choose a life like 3000 years ago and we really appreciate our threads. 

Innovations in many areas are based on threads

After the past, we also dare to take a look into the future. There is no indication that a world without threads would be any better in the year 2100 than it is today. On the contrary, many important innovations in the field of medical technology or electronics rely heavily on threads as an essential means of fastening or transmitting forces and movements. When an AI-controlled robot prepares our breakfast in 50 years' time, it will certainly still have a screw or two installed in its smart body. And open the jam jar with a thread! 

And that's why taps are so important! 

So you see, to prevent this horror scenario of a world without threads from coming true and to avoid having to buy our jam in sachets, thread cutters are simply incredibly important. This has more than confirmed our initial thesis. And we at BAER are proud to do our bit to preserve the world as we know it! 

By the way, you are welcome to take a look at the results of our efforts in our online store. Perhaps you will take the opportunity to buy yourself a speed cutter or two. For the approaching apocalypse or simply for your next craft project. You never know what's coming!

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